Michael Ismail
Senior Branch Manager
Personal Achievement:
Million Dollars Round Table (MDRT), USA
IDA Manager Bronze, Taiwan
Frontline Leader Award Silver (FLA), GAMA International
Distinguished Salesperson Award (DSA), Hong Kong Management Association
Distinguished Agent Award (DAA), The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong
Chartered Insurance Agency Manager (CIAM), LIMRA International, USA
Certified Financial Planner (CFPCM ) , IFPHK, Hong Kong
Fellow of Chartered Financial Practitioner (FChFP), Asia Pacific Financial Services Association, Singapore
Fellow, Life Management Institute (FLMI), Life Office Management Association, Inc, USA
Team Building Philosophy :
Build a reliable, trustworthy and professional agency
Build dreams, realize goals and enrich quality of life for our clients and team members through delivery of financial planning services
Core Values
Reliability, professionalism, independence, mutual trust, companionship, inclusion, flexibility, growth, system, technology